Saturday, November 3, 2012


This level was created by Nathan. Click the link below to copy the code, insert it into the game, and play Nathan's level.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cave In

Cave In is this month's level from the SMFLEC team (October 2012). It's mainly an underground world, with lots of blue bricks and tiles. You'll need to exercise your jumping skills, and while it can't be classified as easy, any pro at the game should have no trouble claiming the flag. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Level Seven

This level was created by Louis. Click the link below to copy the code, insert it into the game, and play Louis's level.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Best Level Ever!

This level was created by Asha as an individual level. Click the link below to copy the code, insert it into the game, and play Asha's level.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Double Trouble

This level was created by an anonymous level creator. Click the link below to copy the code, insert it into the game, and play their level.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Welcome to the New SMF Level Editor Codes Online!

Just over a year ago, we launched this site as a place to add to the worldwide community of Super Mario Flash Level Editor Codes. Since then, we've posted over 20 levels and counting to the website. However, we haven't done a whole lot of site improvement up until now. If you've been to the site before, you'll notice what's changed - a bit more style to the overall page, an new way of posting the actual code so we can have more levels to a page, and some rearrangement on the sidebars for easier navigation. All this has been done to help enhance the site, and make it better, easier, and more fun for viewers like you to use. And what we've listed isn't all - check back over the next few weeks and months for even more additions.

To help make the site the best you've ever been to, we think it makes sense to have a bit more feedback from you. Lots of sites say that, and lots of sites carry through with that, while others don't really do much at all. Count us in the group that will do something - all of site improvements will be based off of what you have to say. Check polls along the sidebars over the coming months and select your vote whenever we have a question we need your answer for. We'll have a new poll up every month, so we can get as much opinion as possible while still making sure we hear everyone's voice. Also, we'll actually be doing stuff with the information we get from these votes - for example, this month's poll, which asks you on which improvements you'd like to see, will be the key factor in determining what we decide to work on over the next few weeks. Make sure to cast your vote today!

We're just making SMF Level Editor Codes a better site. It's all for you, the users, so make sure to take advantage of it and keep checking back. We'll be here, with site improvements, and, of course, more SMF Level Codes for you to enjoy. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

H 1-2

This level was created by Henry R. as part of the H Levels set. Click the link below to copy the code, insert it into the game, and play Henry's level.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

World 6-6-6 Remix

This level was created by Alexander T. Click the link below to copy the code, insert it into the game, and play Alexander's level.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

H 1-1

This level was created by Henry R. as part of the H Levels set. Click the link below to copy the code, insert it into the game, and play Henry's level.