How to Play Other Peoples Levels - SMF

       Playing Super Mario Flash on the computer is fun. Everyone knows that. But here's how to not only play the normal game, but how to play your own levels, and how to play other people's levels.

  1. First, go to the Super Mario Flash game.
  2. Then, click on "Level Editor".
  3. Select the player you wish to play as.
  4. If you want to play someone else's game, click on "Load".
  5. Then, copy the code of the game you would like to play (for example, if you want to play a game on this site, copy the string of numbers in parentheses). Make sure you copy it all. (Highlight it, right click - copy)
  6. Paste the code into the "Load" box ("Paste Your Level Code Here")
  7. Click "Load"
  8. Click "Play"
  9. Your game will begin. (Up arrow - Jump, Down - duck, Left - walk left, Right - walk right)